Thursday, December 17, 2009

merry, merry christmas [volume 2]


Here is a second instalment of some lovely Christmas music.  This one may be lovelier than the last one, just saying. But you can check out volume one here and decide for yourself.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

My Christmas dinner on Saturday went wonderfully. It was a ton of crazy hard work just to put together a meal so I give my parents huuge credit for doing it for a crowd of 15 + on Boxing day. No one however, thought to bring there camera, so there is no evidence that the night ever happened except for the insane amount of leftovers in my fridge.

I have two more exams that I have to get through one on Friday and one on Tuesday, but I am having the hardest time studying. I want nothing more than to stay up all night, sleep all day, make nice things, drink hot chocolate and wrap presents. However, studying it is. Oh well.

How is your Christmas prep coming??

xo Jer

Ps. I love you Sufjanimage


  1. I really like this playlist! It really is lovely!

  2. First time I come to your blog.... so I don't know you that well - but I sure hope your exams/studying will go allright.... hang in there - play time will soon be here for you too!

  3. i can't decide which one is better, but i do know that i love you for sharing them!

  4. I will have to come back and hear your playlist when I am off campus as all playlists are blocked behind the firewall. :-(

    I hope you have a lovely Christmas. I think ours will be wonderful.
