Thursday, March 10, 2011

this mess.


please excuse me while i tidy up the little mess around here. you know, the one on the blog, not necessarily the one in my room. which as you can see, is pretty bad. piles on the desk, clothes on my chair – hence my working from the bed. actually i always work from the bed even when my desk + chair is cleared however rarely that may be. ha!

anyways. i’m currently gathering inspiration, designing and executing a teeny little blog redesign. nothing major, just a little sprucing up to make this place a place where i want to be spending more time. hopefully a little face lift will give me the inspiration i need to start blogging a little more regularly.

so please don’t mind the mess around here over the next little while, good chance things could look pretty crazy as i work on this space, especially since i don’t really know what i’m doing and am only hoping things turn out the way i’m envisioning. ha.

love youuuu.



  1. OMG! That HAIR! I am in love with it! I think i should write the Ellen show and tell her my friend has better hair than Mr. Bieber. Maybe you will get to be on the show. (I am so not kidding)

  2. exciting!

    and. yes. you're hair. SO GOOD.
