Well hello everyone! I have been one busy little beaver lately. Or at least it seems like I have. Where do I start? Well last weekend I was in Windsor for the nursing games – our school enters a team every year and we compete against other nursing schools in just regular old sports like basketball, soccer etc. I went last year and it was such a good time that I had to go again this year.
Friday night were the opening ceremonies. We went to the University of Windsor and they had some ceremonies planned, then there was a hypnotist and dancing afterwards. Needless to say it was a hilarious night. On Saturday the games began. We started with the cheer competition and let me just say our cheers were 1000 times better this year than last. We played amazing nurse again – where we run around the city following clues etc. Last year we didn’t place but this year we got third!! So we came home with medals around our neck. Pretty good if I do say so myself. Saturday night we went out to one of the local bars with all of the other nurses – another good night with adventures on the way there and home.
Sunday was the closing/awards ceremonies and brunch. A very good weekend. My week was full of the normal school work.
Last night was the annual Nursing and Engineering faculty formal. It was so lovely – at the LCC. So good to see everyone all dressed up having a good time. The meal was great, the dessert was better (carrot and cheese cake) and the we had a fun time dancing it up after dinner. I unfortunately misplaced my camera prior to the event and therefore didn’t get any pictures. However here are a few that some other people took. I may update them as other people send me some more.
Now the best for last. Today I had such a great day. It started by sleeping in – One of my favourite things in the world is not having to wake up to an alarm. Anyways. We went downtown and started with Starbucks – apple chai is my new fave. Then we ventured downtown. I have had my eye on a couple of used book stores for a while now – but they are in an area I wouldn’t necessarily go on my own – so the three of us (Me, Vicky and Melissa) ventured bravely into them. The first two were really good, but the last one we went into - City Lights Bookstore - was *amazing*. I have found my new favourite place in the world. We spent an hour in the store and I could have spent all day there. Like I said before – I have misplaced my camera (there’s a good chance its in my disaster of a room ) anyways I didn’t have it with me. Boo!
There are so many treasures in there. I scored some new books for my Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys collection. (ps. I am collecting all of the old Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books – you know the old yellow and blue hardcovers?) I also got a copy of the Princess Bride dvd for $7.
So, next time I go I will bring my camera, and if anyone is ever coming to London it is a must see so let me know and I will give you directions – or a personal tour :)
Anyways, that is all I have for now. Tonight is Saturday Night Live night – which means crafty night for me. Its one of my little traditions to stay up and watch it every Saturday and make nice things while I do.
What are you up to for the rest of the weekend?
xoxo Jeremy