Saturday, May 01, 2010

Scallops, Ink, Matting and Bohemia

Well first of all, happy [inter]national scrapbooking day to you all. To celebrate I thought it would be fun to go through all my old layouts and share some of the real gems with you. So here is a little walk through the days of scalloped scissors, over inked edges, matting every photo, my intense love for MME’s Bohemia line and using every technique I know on one layout.friends . . . 003101_0504 101_0520 101_0968 layout 004 101_0854 101_0512 So there you have it, some of my first real ‘scrapbooking’ layouts. I guess I’ve technically been scrapping in some for or another for most of my life.

For the record – I HATE the word scrapbooking. I dunno, there’s just so much negative connotation associated with it – I really dislike it and use it as little as possible. However I don’t have any really good alternatives so any would be welcomed.

xo Jer

PS. I love youimage I’m relatively new to you, but its been fun and I’ll be sad to see you go.


  1. awwww, loved this look through your past layouts. I also hate the word 'scrapbooking.' and I'm so sad to see SIS go, too. I'll miss seeing you around there for sure!

  2. thanks for letting me know about sis! i can't believe this. there's no good sites anymore. :(

  3. I really hate the word scrapbooker as well. It drives me batty when someone calls me a one, I think I'll just call myself a manuscript munster. LOL
