Ok, technically tomorrow is the day but go with it ok? ha!
Tonight I fly out of Pearson in Toronto headed for India. Its pretty surreal – especially looking at that layout. I’m not even really excited yet because I don’t really believe it. I thought after the week of stress ended I would feel more excited to go but I’m still shocked that I’m actually going to be in India tomorrow. Crazy.
I have been assured that I will have pretty good/consistent internet access the places I’ll be going so I’ll still be around the world of the internet. I do not know however, how often I will be able to blog etc or how often I’ll want to (I will be in India after all). I’m planning to take it all in while I’m there see and do as much as I can. I’m not even bringing my laptop in an attempt at some sort of an internet cleanse.
I will be checking my email however so if you email me I’ll get it and respond. I’ll also be on Skype quite frequently (at the request of my dear mom) so if you see me on feel free to say hi! (and if you don’t have me on Skype ask me for it and I’ll add you)
So I guess, this is a surreal, sort-of –farewell. I have one more post scheduled for tomorrow and there is the possibility that there may be one more scheduled for next week.
Now, don’t you forget about me! (and as I type that, that lovely Simple Minds song slips its way in my head never to leave until something better [or not] gets in there) Because while there may be extended period of time in which there are no blog posts here (let’s be honest – it’s not like its never happened before and I didn’t even have the “I was out of the country” excuse) I will be back, and back with a vengeance. With stories and pictures and possibly even videos from my trip to India. So stay tuned.
Aaalso, one more thing. If you want up to the minute (maybe not minute but I’m being optimistic here) updates from the trip be sure to check out our trip blog. You can get there by following the link in the side bar ----->.
Ok. xo
Ps. I love you